Once you decide to file for divorce in California, your spouse can be eligible for their share of your 401k. Dividing retirement accounts is one of the most lengthy and complicated parts of the divorce process. Any funds that were contributed to the 401k during the...

Month: March 2021
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What to do with your business if going through a divorce
When you go through a divorce, the value of the assets acquired during the marriage has to be calculated, which includes a business. If only one person in the marriage operates or runs the business, it's often awarded to the person who manages it. If both spouses are...
Qualified domestic relations order in high-asset divorce case
A persistent misperception is that the division of assets and distributions of debts in a community property state like California is easier. The thinking is that all a court must do is split everything in half. In fact, the matter of dividing property and debts can...