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Tips for telling your spouse you want a divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 24, 2024 | Divorce

It can be difficult to tell your spouse that you want to get a divorce, even if you know that it’s the right choice and that it’s what you really want. Additionally, how this conversation goes may have a major impact on the rest of the divorce process. 

As such, it’s beneficial for things to go smoothly. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when talking to your spouse about an upcoming divorce. 

Mentally prepare first

Take time to think about how you want the conversation to go and what you want to say. Consider questions that your spouse may ask and how you want to answer them. This isn’t the type of discussion you want to start lightly.

Find uninterrupted time

Similarly, you need to find an uninterrupted time when the two of you can discuss the divorce. Don’t do this as your spouse is on the way out the door to go to work, for instance. You need to have the conversation without any outside stress.

Expect an emotional response

One thing to remember is that your spouse will probably be emotional, especially because they may not have had any idea you were unhappy or considering divorce. Don’t escalate the situation, but be prepared to calmly explain yourself.

Tell the kids later

It is important to tell your kids together, showing them that you are a united front and that you both want to continue being involved in their lives. But do not tell them until you’re sure that you’re getting divorced and you’ve already had the conversation with your spouse.

Once you get the divorce process underway, be sure you know what legal steps you should take.